Ok -- so I have had to do some catch up -- since I have had a real sucky week. Last week on Wednesday I had to go up to Snowbird for a business retreat. As far as the scenery, and time with friends -- it was great! As far as my diet and exercise -- it really sucked!!!! I was tied to the food that the State was serving for the employees -- and it was only slightly close to being good for me. And as for the exercise -- well I tried once, and had a lot of trouble with the high altitude. It was triggering my asthma, and I spent most of the weekend using my inhaler. (Yes I know -- one of those getting old things that has shown up. The doctor thinks it is a residual left over of all my bouts with pneumonia.)
When I got home I went up and spent the rest of the weekend with Mom and Dad -- and figured that the diet was already shot -- so finish the weekend, and start Monday morning. After all -- that drive up to Bear Lake, and the raspberry shakes just couldn't be passed up -- they are just too good, even if they are not on my diet. So all and all -- the diet hasn't been much for the weekend. Even Mom asked if I had just given up on my diet. I have now received an email from Bob -- and for the record -- I will be transferring this blog over to my new site -- once I get it all worked out, and set up. But for now we stay with this, and the answer is -- NO.
In fact I have had a really good start back in this week. I am back to my diet and feeling much better about it. I wasn't feeling really good by the end of the weekend -- I was feeling slow, and sluggish from all the food I was cutting out for so long, and then suddenly reintroduced back into my eating. Now I am feeling back to having more energy again, and I am doing much better. Also -- more good news. Yesterday Kim and I went out and started my walking program again. I'm not doing twice a day -- but I have extended my walking while I am out. Yesterday we went 1 mile round trip. And today we extended it and did the whole 2 miles! I feel great -- and yes, I am very proud of myself for that accomplishment!
So overall, things are back on target -- and I am doing good. I just have a hard time staying on course when I am out of town, and staying at a resort that the food starts at $26 a plate. I either break the bank, or eat what the State has made arrangements for. What do you do! Thank you to all of you for following up, and checking in with me. I really appreciate the moral support, and I feel much better now.
2 months ago
From Dad
Hi There: I just remembered an old saying. The most important thing to learn is moderation in all things. A little less, over a period of time, is a lot more.
From Bob
Oh yes, the setbacks. Let's face it, nobody is ever 100% comitted to an eating or exercise plan. There will always be times when you have little control over your situation. There will always be setbacks. All you can do is exactly what you did, get back on the program as soon as possible.
Here's a couple of thoughts I have on the matter.
There is are a couple of different sides of this whole new plan that are closely related and that I feel are important to adress. The first is the spiritual side, and the second is the addiction side.
1. Spiritual
I would like to quote something from a talk. "Men are that they might have joy. Each one of us was born a son or daughter of God with His glory and potential housed within our spirits. We have a right to be proud of that heritage and to like ourselves, even in difficult times. We have a right to discover and celebrate the unique gifts and talents each of us has been given. We can acknowledge our weaknesses and work on them without letting them define us. Most importantly, we can know that God is in our corner, very interested in the affairs of our lives, and very willing to fight for us." I will attatch a copy of the whole talk because its good.
The 2 key points here are that you believe that you are worth the effort, and that you will need the Lord's help.
2. Addiction.
Addiction is Satans way of keeping people in bondage our whole lives. Whether its addiction to food, drugs, pornography, or a host of other traps, people battle their demons, usually with little success throughout their entire lives. I believe the reason that most people have limited success is because they have limited self esteem. They have been caught up in the chains of the addiction for so long, that they have allowed themselves to become defined by the addiction, instead of remembering who they really are and why they are here (see quote above). I believe that until a person breaks Satan's biggest, strongest chain and chooses to not believe the lie that they are not worth it, they will only have limited success in their struggles against a seemingly overwhelming foe.
Also, addictions to food, drugs, porn, or whatever have very little to do with food, drugs, porn,or whatever. Instead, they have everything to do with the stresses of life combined with a low self esteem. The addiction is an escape from the stress that often times, a peson does not even know is there. Learning to identify what your stresses are when you feel cravings and coming up with ways to deal with them that don't involve the "escape" will really help with the program. I have more material on this if you are interested. There are sheets that help you identify stress and the accompanying emotions and help you counter the negative thoughts with positive ones. Then you can take the positive thoughts and turn them into affirmations. Let me know if you are interested in that.
But, back to the report on your week. Like yourself. Celebrate yourself. If you take a step backward, don't let it affect your self esteem, or give you an excuse to take more steps backward. You are still awesome, and worth it, and forward is the general direction you are heading with this program. We are all human. Nobody is perfect. Don't let a step back affect your right to be happy about who you are, and the direction you are headed. You are doing a very difficult thing by choosing to be on this program. Take time to pat yourself on the back, and shrug off the steps backward.
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