
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Daily Update -- and Other Ideas

I have begun the information gathering process. I have come to realize that a life change, means a mental change, as well as a physical one. And for me that means understanding what I am trying to do, and not just randomly changing things and hoping that I stumble on the great answer to all problems. I know a lot of people feel that positive reinforcement, and that constant positive thinking approach to things is new age medicine. But there is a great deal to be learned from understanding what the battle is that you are truly fighting. Since this blog is serving the purpose of not just being my written record of starting that battle, and engaging the problem head on -- but I would hope that it will serve as an inspiration for others to take on the same challenge.

That said -- I have also taken to studying about healthy lifestyles, and things that can be done to improve the lifestyles that a person (specifically me) can do to become healthier. My information to share for today is a website provided from the Center For Disease Control, (CDC). I started with looking into their weight loss suggestions -- and actually the entire website has some great information. But the specific area I wanted to share with you is a section on getting started in weight loss. For those who are interested the specific website is

This breaks the process down into five steps that have great ideas for not only loosing weight, but for being successful at loosing that weight.

One thing I particularly liked in this article is the importance that it places on identifying things in your lifestyle that need to be change. It really helped me to be able to sit down and identify the specific things that I was doing OK, and the things that could use improvement in. I actually made up a list, divided in half. One half were the changes that I needed to make, and the other list was things that I simply needed to maintain. This helped me to put into perspective the things that were actually leading to many of my problems, such increasing my fruit and veggie intake -- as well as my exercise. It also helped me to realize that I was doing pretty good with the type of carbs I was choosing to eat.

This is also great for its suggestion to set not only realistic goals, but goals that are forgiving. This is an area that is frequently forgotten. As my father often points out to me, my body has spent 30 plus years forming the eating habits I have developed. And while it is great that I am going back to all this healthy food -- my body will remember that the good stuff is out there, and it is going to want it on occasion. When these situations come up, I need to be not only vigilant -- but I also need to assess the situation, and make allowances, as well as game plans on how I can make these situations less damaging.

Finally I love how this article puts emphasis on the fact that this is a journey, and not a destination that I am trying to arrive at. all the support I can get the better. If there are more people around to help me make the journey -- it becomes easier, and less burdensome. I have found both of these ideas to be true. It is absolutely essential to quit thinking about the temporary -- and start looking at the long term picture. I to see my life as being different -- not just getting to a road stop along the course.

These, as well as the other ideas presented in this article are great for inspiring, as well as providing ideas for how to make these changes. Use them, and remember to find a method that works for you. I know that if I try to do something the way some one else might -- I am not always successful. But if I take the time to find out what works for me -- I accomplish so much more.

Now for the suggestions that have been provided to me, from my sister-in-law. She has been great to come up with a lot of great snack ideas, as well as a couple of recipes that I have listed in my healthy living recipe site. Some of those suggestions are sugar free Jello, almonds with sea salt, 94% fat free popcorn, lite string cheese, fruit, fat free yogurt, and fiber bars. Thank you Kris for all of your suggestions! I appreciate all of your help.


Lisa said...

From Bob,

idea for the day: make it automatic to drink a glass of water with breakfast every morning. this will give you a jump on your water consumption for the day. Also, I found some bread that I love to have with my egg mcmuffins in the morning instead of sourdough english muffins. Its Natures Pride whole wheat bread. Its a reasonable price at smith's and it has 22 grams of whole grains per slice. Thats a lot.

Any way, have a wonderful day :)

Lisa said...

From Dad

Hi Kiddo: This sounds great just keep up the good work. All you need to do is give it just one more day and then one more day after that and so on. At some point your body will start to agree with your mind. As Bob puts it you need to eat regularly, often and good food to keep fooling the body into thinking it is fine. Remember to occasionally add something the old body likes so it really doesn't complain too much.
Keep up the modest physical program and at some point in the future you may discover that you enjoy a little walk almost as much as reading. Probably not that much but after while it will feel good.
When long distance runners run the body releases an endorfen that is about the same as a really good drug. You feel great. For your body it only takes a little walk to do the same.
This weight loss thing turns you into a natural junkie. I call it God's natural fix.