First off, I need to give a great big congratulations to Kris, my sister - in - law, who informed me last night that she has lost 2 pounds! Way to go Kris -- keep up the hard work. It is always great to see people succeeding in making the changes in their lives that they want to make. Keep going, and I know you will make it.
Now for today's news. This morning I had a great experience
, during my walk. I decided I had better go over early -- it being Memorial Day and all. So Dad came along, and we went for our walk about 6:30 this morning. We went over to the Brigham City Cemetery -- a place with a lot of history, and a neat feel to it. It has become one of my preferred walking places when I visit Mom, and Dad. Lot's of history, and a great place for reflecting. It has a beautiful little meditation garden, and lots of room for walking, and reading.

This morning we arrived just as the color guard was out, presenting the colors for the day. They had this huge flag that took several people to even hold it up during the process. Dad suggested we stop, and watch. There were several people that were doing the same thing. As we were standing there, a red car pulled up, and a soldier -- dressed in his camo pants, and army boots, with his green t-shirt, got out. He had seen the flag, stopped and saluted the flag, as the colors were raised. He watched, in a soldi
er's salute until the flag had been taken to the top of the flag pole, and then lowered to half mast -- in recognition of the Memorial Day holiday. When it was over, he promptly got back in his car, and went about his business in the cemetery -- before going on with his day. I found his dedication to his country, through is simple example of respect, and inspiration, and a reminder of how we should all be a little more respectful, and mindful of all that we have. As well as the myriad sacrifices that have been made on our behalf -- so that we can enjoy the freedoms that we do.

I am so glad that I was able to witness this event -- during my 30 minutes of exercise this morning. Thank you to this soldier, and all those that serve -- for the sacrifices they make each day, in providing each of us a home that is free from tyranny, and oppression.
For those of you who are working on your goals of changing your life habits -- remember today is a new day, and it is the beginning of a new week. Renew your commitment -- and hang in there, it is worth it in the end.
Hey Lisa Thanks for this. What a great post.
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