
Friday, May 8, 2009

My Beginning

Report on day two: First off thank you to everyone that has been willing to offer your support in this event. As a preliminary, let me say, my idea is not to kill myself, literally. I am well aware that right now, my body has limitations. And I always keep those limitations in mind.

So with that said -- I am happy to report that I did get in my 30 minute walk today, during my lunch hour. I walked over to the library, and back to the courthouse, since I had to pick up a book anyway. That has left me a little sore tonight -- but not a bad kind of sore. I am achy in my hip joints, and my muscles are stiff. But I actually feel like I accompli
shed something -- and I am feeling pretty good about myself.

As for my diet for the day -- for my lunch I had a tomato, cheese, and avocado sandwich, on my oatmeal wheat bread. I can't say I was willing to sacr
ifice my mayonnaise yet -- but this is a much healthier lunch that I have had in a very long time. And it certainly beats the fast food I am in the habit of eating. (Both the frozen, and restaurant kinds). As for dinner, I had a single dish of corn, and two slices of my oatmeal wheat bread again. As usual, I wasn't willing to forgo the butter. But again -- considering me, it is a definite improvement.

As for the downs in my diet for the day -- well I had a blueberry muffin for breakfast. (It was doughnut Friday at work,) and a modified root beer float. Modified how you may ask? Well in place of the root beer, I used my diet Cherry Dr. Pepper. No, I don't claim that using the diet drink, in place of the root beer was a healthier solution. It just sounded better. And I won't even get into the water yet
. One step at a time.

Now --
in response to Bob's offer. I would love any and all the assistance you are willing to provide. Right now I am doing pretty good with my walking. I can pace myself -- and listen to my books on my I-Pod at the same time. (You didn't actually think I would take reading out of my schedule did you? :)) I have read through that which you submitted to the Armstrong Losers, and I like what I have seen.

My biggest areas of weakness are going to be the food planning. I have never been very good at that -- and I don't like to be burdened by a
lot of food preparation. The good news is -- I don't like eating out because it costs money. The other area that I am going to be able to use some work is the strength training. And of course coming up with solutions as winter starts to get closer. Also -- I have determined I am a carb junkie. The good news is my bread is home made -- and is usually wheat flour based. But if I have to take that out of my diet, I will probably go insane inside of a week. I also like to experiment with my recipes -- so I have found that I can add whole grains of varying kinds. So I don't feel as bad about my carb intake from that respect.

Now for those of you who love to shake your head at my passion for reading. Yes -- as I began this process the first thing I did was turn to a book. (Well sort of a book.) It was a digest version of "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Short Workouts" Yes I know. But if I don't approach this from a cerebral perspective, as well as a physical perspective -- this will never work for me. I need to understand what I am doing, and I need to learn as I progress. So -- what did this digest teach me? Well --

First: In every get fit program, there is a mental as well as a physical aspect. In the beginning, when it is more difficult to keep going because it is uncomfortable, it is up to the mind to provide the motivation, until the body catches up. This mental motivation provides not only the inspiration to keep going on -- but the intelligence, and understanding of what you can, and cannot do -- until your body learns to send its own, appropriate signals.

Second: I found a great quote in this little pamphlet. "Your body is a masterpiece, intricate in function, unique in its mix of attributes and abilities. Give praise -- you are wonderfully, singularly made! So although its fine to aspire to look like an Olympic swimmer, don't despair if you fall short of your expectation. Remember that the athelets who make it to the Olympics are blessed with great genes and an incredible work ethic." What dose this translate to for me? Well -- It takes me back to my primary goals. I am looking to be healthy again, and to feel better. Not to be a super model, or a great world athelete.

So this is my beginning. Except to say -- thank you to all of you for your support. As always, I couldn't make it without all of you.