I went to the doctor this morning -- after a morning walk of course -- and I have received a good bill of health for starting this new program. (Aside from turning me into a human pin cushion, because they can never seem to find my veins for a blood draw.) I expressed my desires, and what I was wanting to accomplish in all of this. And she wanted to be sure that I was doing a safe approach, without getting into dangerous fads -- and unrealistic goals. (Bob will be thrilled to learn that of everything she had to talk about, yours was by far the most strongly approved of. But I'm sure that is no surprise to you.)
So it is time to set some goals. After talking with the doctor, and doing a little personal research, I have decided that I need to set some specific goals. However, I would like to clarify that I am not being driven by the goals, or the numbers on a scale. My greatest barometer is that of how I feel, and how my body is adapting to the changes. But, I need to have something to start working towards -- since I need some sort of path to walk on. So I will be setting up a goal chart, and progress chart that I will update each month on the side of this blog. This is mainly for my purposes. For those who are my support group -- my over all goal for the next two years is 186 pounds. This is what I should loose, and if I set intermediary goals of 2 pounds a week, or 8 pounds a month -- then I come up with close to 2 years.
In this course, I also hope to restructure my eating, and exercise habits, so that I will be able to maintain my weight loss, once these goals have been reached. I have decided that the greatest weakness of the fad diets, is that they may work really well. But if you go back to the eating habits that got you to where you were when you started, then what was the point of losing all that weight? You will just end up back at the beginning, or worse. I am hoping to change my life style, not my weight, in this process. And as a result become a much healthier person.
Now for the daily update. I have noticed that I am starting to show definite fatigue by the end of the day. Not to the point of disability, but I am certainly tired when the day is done. I have also noticed that my sciatic nerve, and the surround muscles in my butt tend to get tight while I am asleep, and they wake me up when they start hurting. I notice that same type of burn while I am walking -- but it is not painful, so much as a reminder that they are working -- and it is a new kind of working than they are use to.
Food wise I seem to be doing pretty well. Sandwiches work best for me, because they are easy, yummy, and convenient. And I even managed to get 48 ounces of water down me today. Yeah!!!! There is a major stepping stone. I do a lot better with that if I have some of the Crystal Light, or something else to add to it. I try to spread my meals out throughout the day -- so that I avoid getting excessively hungry at any specific hour -- but rather if I notice that my tummy is grumbly, I will grab some fruit, string cheese, or other snack on the off meal times. As for eating my last meal before 6:00 p.m. -- that isn't going to happen. But I do try to keep it as close to 6:00 p.m. as possible. I get in about 5:30 -- so dinner by 6:00, and then I don't eat again after that.
Also, this might sound a little strange -- or even antiquated, but prayer has become a major part of my effort. I have come to realize that without the Lord's help, I will never be ablet o acomplish any of this. So I have learned to seek out his help -- and have the faith that he can help me do what needs to be done.
So over all, I am feeling pretty good about this week. It has been going well -- and I starting to feel like at least I am doing something.
I am going to get laughed out of the family for what I am about to say, but I'm going to say it anyway. Go to Richard Simmons web site and see if you can find some ideas or tips. I KNOW!!! I have been watching some shows on the health channel where he has tried to help some really obese---like 700 pounds obese people and he really seems to care about what he is doing. He has actually helped lots of people. Maybe he is weird, but whatever works right????
From Bob
Awesome. Sounds like you are taking this seriously. I love it.
Even though your last meal is around 6pm, you should eat one more small snack before bed (assuming you go to bed around 9:30 or 10. The nutritionist recommended a couple of fried egg whites for me, but I was also on a pretty heavy weight training regimen. Maybe try some reduced fat oatmeal or toast or something for now, and I will talk to the nutritionist to see what he reccomends. It may even help with your muscles waking you up in the night to eat that last small snack.
Yep, you are doing good. Remember, your goal is to eat every 3.5 hours or so tthroughout the day, so that you never get hungry. It feels strange to eat when you aren't even hungry yet, but that is the key to this whole program.
Also, as your body starts getting used to your new eating program, you will want to start noting the caloric content of the meals you eat, and compare them with the guidlines I indicated in Nik's blog. I know counting calories is burdensome, but it definitely helped me know when to stop eating. I actually had no idea that I could stop eating when only 80% full, and 10 minutes later, I would be full. I was amazed to find that a 6 inch sub would totally fuel me for 3.5 hours instead of a footlong. So that's what I use calorie counting for.... so I know when to be full, because I can't trust my stomach. If I trust my stomach, I will always end up eating too much.
From Dad
Hi: This sounds GREAT! Keep up that good work and keep me posted on your progress.
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