I am starting to settle into more of a rhythm with this process. My body is VERY good at reminding me when it is time to eat -- so that is working pretty well. I make sure to keep apples, bananas, and other fruits at my desk -- which has actually been quite popular with most of the office as well. I also make sure I have string cheese. I need to explore some kind of "snack mix" that I can make that will be healthy, but will still be easy to keep around. The idea I have learned is to not have all the wrong kinds of food available -- but also to make sure I have the right kinds of food available, and convenient when they are needed. I will need to explore some good -- portable snack foods that I can keep around the desk -- and then I don't notice the missing candy, and junk food really.
I am faithful about my 30 minutes of walking -- and I am actually doin
g really well with that. And in fact, on many days I am getting a walk in during my lunch hour as well. A lot of people in the office have started various exercise programs -- so during the lunch hour, a lot of people are outside walking, playing basketball games, going over to the Gold's Gym, which is just up the street. I also have friends that have been very encouraging -- and it is a great motivation for getting me out and going. I don't push as hard during the afternoon walk. But I find it gives me the little boost I need for getting through the afternoon. I have started keeping a pair of walking shoes at my desk -- as well as a change of exercise clothes, towel, deodorant, lotion, and my sun hat and sun screen. This makes it much easier to go and get that walk in during the afternoon.
Also, I have learned that having a good walking place is wonderful. There is a park right across the back parking lot from my work -- the West Jordan Park. It is the neatest p
ark -- and it is just fun to get out there and enjoy the nice weather. (This also helps to cut down on the spring fever that seems to have infected the office.) Usually I have at least one person to walk with in the afternoon -- so I don't need to worry about keeping my brain occupied. But in the mornings I have found that having my I-Pod is a great solution for this. I can listen to music -- or more often than not for me, I listen to a book that I can download from the library, or audible, or even I-tunes. This helps with the motivation -- since I want to find out what is next in the book.
My body for the most part has been tolerant of all these new changes -- at least in the food department. It is still fighting me quite a bit in the exercise field, however. I find that for the first 10 to 15 minutes I have to mentally keep reminding myself what my goals are, and why I am doing this -- and then I start to feel better -- and I don't have to talk myself into finishing my walk.
Now, for the purpose behind this blog. For those that know me -- your are familiar with my situation. But for those who may read this, and are not familiar with me, perhaps I should explain my objectives -- so there isn't constant wondering on if I am mentally unbalanced -- or just plain weird. I have struggled with my weight all of my life. I remember it being an issue as far back as many of my earliest memories. I have made several attempts trying to gain control of the area of my life that always seems to be out of control, but with varying degrees of success.
A lot of my frustration with this problem has come from all the great advertisements that you see on television -- that advertise this new diet, or that new weight loss gimmick. The gym, the walking machine, that great person you could be -- if you would just invest more of your money -- in someone else's get rich quick scheme. What I found frustrating about these particular advertisements was that they always use people that you look at, and can never believe that they ever had to loose more than 10 pounds at most, in their lives. Yeah, sure they have great pictures of these people -- before and after. And of course the people never even look close to the same -- so you find yourself thinking it is impossible that those are two pictures of the same person.
And then of course you get out there, and try to start making changes, and you find yourself overwhelmed with not even knowing where to begin -- and it is hard to picture what the end might be. On top of this -- there is no way that you can focus on your own exercise, when you know the entire world is following your exercise program as well -- and wondering what on earth is someone like that even bothering for? You hate going out to eat, because you know everyone is watching you and thinking that this is the last thing you need to be doing. You have no energy, everything in your body hurts in one form or another -- and you just have a hard time seeing getting through the next few hours -- not to mention 2 years from now. You know that the get skinny quick recipes are ridiculous in the extreme -- since it is not possible for someone to loose 20 and 30 pounds in a week, or a month -- and still remain healthy in the process.
And then there is the realm of reality. I never wanted to be a super model. Who wants to walk around with every last one of the their ribs showing -- looking like they are a forgotten survivor of the holocaust -- with bones sticking out everywhere. They don't look any more healthy than I do -- they are just on the opposite end of the spectrum. Which leads me to where I am today.
I have determined that my goal is to get healthy -- what ever that state may be. I am not looking at being an actress -- performer -- or even a super model. I just want to be healthy. I want to feel good about myself, and I want to feel like I am in control of my body, and not the other way around. To do this I am taking it one change at a time. I don't plan on being there tomorrow, and I don't plan on being there next week. But I do plan on getting there. This blog is a help for me, for those that are my supporters, and maybe in some small way, it will be an incentive for others as well. Being skinny is an illusion, but being healthy is a way of life. And it is that life I am choosing to achieve. I would invite anyone that is interested to join me in this goal. Share your ideas, and the things that work for you. And feel free to borrow anything that you think might work in your goals as well!
Your doing such a good job Lisa. Some snack suggestions that I love are those little rice cakes. I usually put some in a baggy to make sure I dont eat the whole bag. :p ( I hope this makes sense, I am running on very little sleep)
From Dad
Hi there: Just got your note and all sounds great keep it up. let me just make one small suggestion. You might want to allow your body a little goody now and then. Remember you are trying to stay in good standing with it and it has been allowed goodies for say 30 plus years and just going turkey will give it a jolt that is may not like. All this healthy stuff is good but your body remembers the good stuff and may rebel if you just cut it off. I am not talking a binge but perhaps a cookie now and then.
By the way I got a note from the headstone people and Grandma A's headstone is in place and Dad's is raised so they both match.
Keep up the good work:
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