Overall, it has been a pretty good weekend. I did a little splurging on Sunday -- but I went into this knowing that Sunday's were going to have to be my allowance day. And even with my splurging, I managed to stay away from that to die for chocolate cake that Kim and Gordon brought over! (That had to be the greatest accomplishment of my week!)
Mom and Dad were really good, while I was staying at their home for the weekend, and they made sure that I had what I needed for staying with my new eating patterns. James and Kristene and I got our walk in on Saturday afternoon, after the yard sale, so I felt really good about that. James and I also had a great conversation -- and he has recommitted to getting back to getting serious about the goals we all set at Christmas. I am so excited at the amount of support and encouragement I have received from my siblings! It makes it so much easier to keep going in the hard times, knowing that there are others supporting "THE CAUSE." With Bob as my nutrition coach, and James as my exercise coach -- I can't go wrong! (Now I just have to get the strength training started and I should be doing well.)
The areas I still need to work on for improvement is my water intake. That is still hit and miss, but it is increasing each day. Also, as mentioned already, I need to work on the strength training.
I feeling really good about my "diet," and I use the term loosely, since I hate calling healthy eating habits a diet. I prefer to think of it as a new way of life. I am finding I have more energy, and I don't have that weighed down feeling, after a meal. The exercise has been helping with my mobility, and even though I am still struggling with some of the pain, it is not excessive. So overall, I am feeling pretty good.
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