
Thursday, May 14, 2009

My First Really Bad Day

I have officially hit my first really bad day. I am sure that a lot of it has to do with the fact that I didn't get any sleep last night. Both of my arms hurt so bad from all the needles the doctor was sticking in me yesterday; so every time I moved, the pain would wake me up. This morning the last thing that I wanted to do was move! Everything hurt -- and I had no energy. I only got about 15 minutes in for my walk -- and then just wanted to go back to sleep for the rest of the day.

On the more positive side -- I have been working on a new website that I have attached to my blog -- in the side bar called My Road to Getting Healthy. This is all the recipes that I have started using -- in a hopes that if I collect recipes that really work for me -- then it will be easier for me to stay with this new program. So any thing that you come across that you think would work -- be sure to send them on to me. Also something positive -- I actually managed to drink 72 ounces of water today!!! Wow -- that has to be a new record.

Also, I really appreciate all the support that you have all been giving me. Especially on a day like today -- it really helps to be able to pull up all the encouragement, and remind myself of why I am putting forth this effort. Thank you so much to all of you!


NikkiAWardell said...

OH NO!!! Hope your today is better. I've been hot and cold the last few weeks on this get in shape stuff. I just realized that summer is around the corner and I want to be in better shape. I've been liking your blog entries and your push to get into shape has been helping me get going again. Hang in there and remember...."Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!!!!" :)

Just Let It Go said...

i know i don't read a lot of books anymore, but when i was on the cruise ship i had A LOT of free time and i read a few books on nutrition that you might find interesting. I was actually reading 3 books at one time about nutrition. Each one had a different approach, but reading all of them at the same time you kind of get to see the basic principles of healthy eating that apply to everyone. The first 2 I have at home and you are welcome to borrow them.

Ok, I know this first one sounds funny, but prostate cancer is actually genetically very closely related to breast cancer, and my ex-husband's mom died from breast cancer, so there actually was a logical reason for reading it. The title is "The Prostate Cancer Protection Plan."

The second one i think is the best one. It is "Eating Well for Optimum Health" by Dr. Andrew Weil.

And the 3rd one i actually can't remember if it was "Food" or "Stop the Insanity" but it was by Susan Powter. I think it was "Stop the Insanity."

And I've heard that Dr. Phil has a weight loss book that is pretty good. It addresses the phsycological aspect of it all. I don't remember the name of it.

Anyways! I felt like those books really taught me a lot about nutrition and I think that's a great place to start.

Good Luck!

nona said...

Hey! Sorry you reached a wall so soon. It is easier to get through those spells if you have alrady seen or felt some imporvement. I remember one thing that helps me a lot. I have to have a small amount of sugar each day. You can find items that only have 50 or 100 calories and I would eat that just before bed. I know that goes against all the rules, but I found I slept better and I didn't have those mood swings that going without sugar brings. You are so much like me, that I bet a little sugar would help you also. Don't get too discouraged, and remember if you slip a little like only a 15 minute walk it isn't the end of the plan, you just need to keep at it and slow down a little. You need to find your own pace and don't try to fit into somoeone elses pace.

Lisa said...

From Bob

Yep, this is the tantrum you knew your body would throw. But just think of how good its going to get when you make it through the next couple weeks and you are in a rhythm and you don't get as sore any more because you toughed it out and your body got used to it and you are dropping 2 pounds per week.

If you are experiencing a lack of energy very often, try eating more sugars from things like fruit, and carbs from things like whole grains.

Lisa said...

From Dad,

Hi there: When those old muscles hurt it usually because you haven't used them for a while. Might be time to slow things a day or so and give everything time to heal. You will actually feel soar for a while. The better shape your muscles attain the less the pain until you work on a new group.

Keep track of all this along with recipes etc. and you might actually be able to sell this to other people. Keep up the GOOD WORK!
