
Thursday, May 7, 2009

A New Dedication

Ok, so for those of you who are use to seeing all of my book reviews on this blog site -- that location has now changed. You can find all of my book reviews -- and only my book reviews at For those of you who are here -- please note that this web site is about to change drastically. I have decided that it is time for a change. Someone once said that if you don't like who you are, then change it. So that is what I intend to do. I am tired of being me!

For those of you who know me personally, you are familiar with the weight problem that I have struggled with all of my life. And frankly, I am tired of being where I am -- at least physically. So I have decided it is time for a change.

So what do I hope to achieve in this process? Certainly loosing weight. But more significantly I want to get back to being healthy. So here are my goals -- at least to begin with.

1. Daily Exercise -- a little each day.

2. Start to learn to change my diet -- both types of food, and proportions.

3. Get back to feeling better about me.

4. Learn to enjoy life more.

So this will become my means of sharing. I am a lot like a child -- I do much better if I think people are watching me. I start to feel like I don't want to let people down. So I will be using this as my journal of sorts. What will be in it? I don't know -- anything that will help keep me motivated, and help me feel that I am not alone in this process.

What do I ask of any that are following? Any support and assistance you can give. This process is by far, the greatest challenge I have ever had to face -- and it has been a life long battle. I am tired of loosing it -- and I want to change this mind set around. But I realize that I will never achieve these goals alone. So anything that you are interested in sharing -- Please feel free. You can make comments -- or send me tips, suggestions, pictures. Anything that you think might help out. Any suggestions that are not sent to the comments of the blog can be sent to me at Thank you to all of you -- and I look forward to sharing this journey with all of you.

So -- Day One
I did manage to do 25 minutes of walking in Murray park, after work today. Not my favorite activity -- but I have my book on my I-Pod -- so I can live with this.


NikkiAWardell said...

Yeah!!! Okay, so I woke up this morning feeling the exact same way. Trying to exercise with my "mommy" life feels so overwhelming sometimes. The time that gets put on the back burner is undoubtedly my exercise time but...NOT ANYMORE!!! So, we'll do it together!!! I have decided that before I will give in to any of my usualy guilty pleasures in a day (such as watching my favorite show, reading a good book, having a snack (fruit or yogurt or something healthy now of course), I first must have some form of exercise done. Even if it is just walking for a brisk 20 or 30 minute walk!!! So, I'll be watching you and cheering you on!!!:)

Lisa said...

Right on! Mee too. I have been telling Amy that I am going to get on the program since January, and I am still not on it. So let's do it together. I totally understand about the accountability thing too. If I have nobody to report to weekly, its easy to slip back into old bad habits.

I would like to support you 100% in any way I can. I would love for us to even be responsible to report to each other on our progress. Remember that I have posted a wealth of info on exercise and diet on nikki's Armstrong loser's site. This is stuff that I know works because I have seen big time results from it.

I would like you to start by reading that info and then coming up with an exercise and diet plan to submit to this site. The diet plan can be as simple as a guideline for the type, frequency, and quantity of food you will eat on any given day, or it can be a detailed day by day plan for a whole week. Remember to replace soda as often as possible with water, and then add some more water to your diet. Also, try fruit as a replacement for sugar. I don't know if you have in mind an exercise routine yet, but just be careful to ease into this one and increase it as your body gets used to it. You may want to consider a low impact form of exercise. Starting a workout program when your body is not used to it, coupled with attempting a more strenuous program with extra body weight can be hard on the joints and may result in injury. Some of those workout dvd's are lower impact than others. Bicycling (or sationary bike) is a good form of low impact aerobics. If you haven't biked in a while, you may want me to give you a crash course on how to operate today's bikes with all those gears and stuff, as well as maintenace, changing a flat, and biking safely around Salt Lake City. I have access to some cheap low impact treadmill type gear at an auction. I could check that out if you want (for the winter). Walking is always good as long as it doesn't give you joint problems. Some aching is to be expected as the natural by product of working out. Take glucosamine and chondroitin to help with joint ache. I can give you a bottle of what I use so you know what is the best kind, if you want.

Whatever you decide as a workout, make sure you are breaking a sweat. If you walk, walk fast enough to get some sweat running down your face. Even if its only for a few minutes at first. Sweating is the key to melting away fat. Also, a couple of days a week (at least 1) should include some type of muscle workout. If you don't mind, I would like to work on this for you and give you some muscle workouts that I think would be good for you, and maybe even swing by to show you proper technique. CAUTION: Ease into this one. Even if you ease into it, if you are not used to this type of workout, your body will be super sore for like a week afterwards. In fact, you won't feel like working out again for like 3 weeks. But if you just grit your teeth and work through the pain for a few weeks, then your muscles will get used to performing these workouts, and after a month, your recovery time will be 48 hours or less and the soreness after a workourt will be far less.

Well, its up to you Lisa what you want to do, but I will tell you that this is something I am passionate about. I wont be offended or anything if you tell me that you aren't ready for this level of seriousness. But if you want to give it a go, and let me be your accountability guy/personal trainer, we can drop 100 or more pounds within a year and a half (as long as we find a way to keep going through the winter and stay commited). And I think once we get you into an automatic rhythm, it will be far easier than you think.

Read what I have posted on the Armstrong loser's blog, then let me know what you think.


Lisa said...

And E-mail from Dad:

Hi there kiddo: This sounds great but I would like to interject some words from a somewhat ancient old body-MINE. Start slow and easy. A little exercise for you might be a slow walk around the complex perhaps twice a week until you see how the body reacts. You can't get fit unless your body agrees and it won't if you kill it the first day. You need to fool it a bit and slowly increase your walk after a few weeks. Remember this will need to become a life time marathon, not a sprint. A short stroll at lunch might work. THE WALK DOES NOT REPLACE LUNCH, it is part of lunch. Like your car, if you are going to ask it to work it will need some gas.

Do not starve your body to death, especially when your are exercising. Slowly, but surely cut back on food intake. You might want to start with those little comfort foods like sweets. DO NOT CUT THEM OUT ENTIRELY. Your body won't like that and it will refuse to go along. Just a little at a time. You might try not eating after 5:00 P.M., this will let your body metabolize whatever you have taken in during the day rather than store it. DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF. Remember, going to bed hungry only insures defeat. Your body has had years to get used to what you are doing and it won't go along with starvation. This is a battle between your mind and your body and you need to never let the body know what the mind is thinking. FOOL IT A BIT!

One more thought I have is POP. I love it, as you know, but the carbonation in pop seems to be league with food storage. DO NOT QUIT POP-just continue with the diet version and SLOWLY trade a can of pop here and there for water. The water helps clean everything out and eventually you may find you are drinking more water and less pop. DRINK LOTS OF WATER-

MOST IMPORTANTLY- If something starts hurting, give it a rest and let it heal. Listen to what your body is telling you. The secret is a little at a time and regularly. Remember the story of boiling a frog. Just ever so slowly increase the heat until you have the desired results.

BE REALISTIC- No mater what Weight Watchers Say, you will not loose 40lbs. in three weeks. If you do you will be in a hospital and that is not what you are working toward. THIS IS LIKE SETTING OUT TO WALK ACROSS THE COUNTRY. ONE STEP AT A TIME AND TAKE ALL THE TIME YOU NEED!