So, I have made it official. I am returning to school, one more time. It is time to return to the completion of the Bachelor's degree. After a lot of soul searching, encouragement from friends and family -- and the incentive of having to complete the degree to advance -- I have made the jump again. I should make it a total of all four Armstrong children in school, starting this fall. That has never happened -- so this should be an interesting event. I am returning to Weber State -- so that officially puts all the Armstrong children in a different school as well. Life should be interesting from here on in. It will make for an interesting California vacation! Talk to you all soon.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Returning to the Grind
Posted by Lisa at 1:38 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Frustrations and Accomplishments
So, I have had a really frustrating couple of weeks. Not that I haven't been working hard. I am up to 2 to 4 miles a day of walking. And I have been very faithful about that. But I just haven't felt like I was getting anywhere. I just feel like I am not seeing anything -- for all of the hard work I am putting in.
So Yesterday I went and did my 2 miles in the morning, and then Kim and I did another 2 miles at lunch. By the time we were done -- my pants had officially qualified for being declared completely worn out, and had to be thrown away. So I was trying to find something that I could wear for my exercise -- and guess what. I officially have pulled out an old pair of pants out of the closet, and was able to put them on. So even though I am not seeing the pounds coming off as quickly as I would like, I am thrilled to report that I am starting to get close to breaking out some of the old pants in the closet! Yeah!
That made me feel real good. Also -- I am finding that the exercise world is a group of very friendly, and encouraging people. You usually pass the same people each day during exercise time, and they are all very friendly, and say hello or waive. Some even offer encouragement of good job, or keep going. So overall, I guess I am making more progress than I have been feeling like for the last couple of weeks.
Posted by Lisa at 9:20 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Catching Up and Getting Back In the Groove
Ok -- so I have had to do some catch up -- since I have had a real sucky week. Last week on Wednesday I had to go up to Snowbird for a business retreat. As far as the scenery, and time with friends -- it was great! As far as my diet and exercise -- it really sucked!!!! I was tied to the food that the State was serving for the employees -- and it was only slightly close to being good for me. And as for the exercise -- well I tried once, and had a lot of trouble with the high altitude. It was triggering my asthma, and I spent most of the weekend using my inhaler. (Yes I know -- one of those getting old things that has shown up. The doctor thinks it is a residual left over of all my bouts with pneumonia.)
When I got home I went up and spent the rest of the weekend with Mom and Dad -- and figured that the diet was already shot -- so finish the weekend, and start Monday morning. After all -- that drive up to Bear Lake, and the raspberry shakes just couldn't be passed up -- they are just too good, even if they are not on my diet. So all and all -- the diet hasn't been much for the weekend. Even Mom asked if I had just given up on my diet. I have now received an email from Bob -- and for the record -- I will be transferring this blog over to my new site -- once I get it all worked out, and set up. But for now we stay with this, and the answer is -- NO.
In fact I have had a really good start back in this week. I am back to my diet and feeling much better about it. I wasn't feeling really good by the end of the weekend -- I was feeling slow, and sluggish from all the food I was cutting out for so long, and then suddenly reintroduced back into my eating. Now I am feeling back to having more energy again, and I am doing much better. Also -- more good news. Yesterday Kim and I went out and started my walking program again. I'm not doing twice a day -- but I have extended my walking while I am out. Yesterday we went 1 mile round trip. And today we extended it and did the whole 2 miles! I feel great -- and yes, I am very proud of myself for that accomplishment!
So overall, things are back on target -- and I am doing good. I just have a hard time staying on course when I am out of town, and staying at a resort that the food starts at $26 a plate. I either break the bank, or eat what the State has made arrangements for. What do you do! Thank you to all of you for following up, and checking in with me. I really appreciate the moral support, and I feel much better now.
Posted by Lisa at 3:37 PM 2 comments
Thursday, June 11, 2009
A Day In the Life
So Bob has asked some very specific questions, as he looks to stepping up my program. So for today's entry, I am going to do an average day in the life of ME! For point of reference, these are the questions, specifically that I am responding to.
1. How and what is my breakfast?
2. Am I starting my day with a glass of water?
3. Am I doing any upper body muscle exercises yet?
4. What vitamins/supplements am I taking?
So, with this down, now I will give you an idea of what a day in my life is like. And I will even list the changes that I have made -- for those who are wondering what the process is that I am working on.
I usually get up at 5:30, and start my morning with a glass of water, in order to take my prilosec. (Otherwise, my tummy will never be happy.) Since I can't eat for 30 minutes, following my taking of my medication, I then go out and take my first walk of the day. I walk around the apartment complex 4 times, which takes me about 30 minutes exactly -- and is roughly one mile. (This is only an estimate -- I haven't actually clocked the distance.) Following my morning walk, I then go in and have breakfast.
This of course is a huge change from before. Prior to starting this lifestyle, I never ate breakfast -- or if I did it was usually a Super Big Gulp of Diet Dr. Pepper. Breakfast was something that I never really made time for. I just wasn't interested. So this was one of the biggest changes, was learning to cut my dinner way back, and making breakfast and lunch my main meals of the day.
Breakfast will usually be either a 1/2 cup of whole grain cereal (I have really found I like the Kashi brand cereals), with 8 ounces of milk, and a whole piece of fruit. Or some mornings I will have one serving of egg substitute, with two slices of my homemade, whole grain bread. On those mornings I will also have 1 serving of low-fat yogurt, (I love the yoplait yogurts), and one serving of whole fruit. (Banana, apple, cherries, plums, peaches, etc. . .), On these mornings I will also have either a bottle of water, or 8 ounces of milk. During breakfast, I will also take my multi-vitamin. I have just a generic brand that I picked up at Wal-Mart. It is comparable to Centrum.
Once I get to work I make sure I try to get in 24 ounces of water during the morning, but I am not always successful at this. There are some mornings I just have to have my Diet Dr. Pepper. Between 10, and 10:15 I will take my break and I will have my mid morning meal. This usually consists of either a serving of veggies (I love peas, or baby carrots), and some string cheese. I will also have a couple slices of whole grain bread, toasted. Sometimes, I will have another whole piece of fruit (bananas, and apples are really easy to carry. But I have also found that they do alot in the produce section that is designed for easy transport, so you just have to look around.
At lunch, I will go out with my friend, and we will go for a walk for 30 minutes, before coming back and having lunch. This walk will also be a mile, and this distance I am more sure of. (Although I ended up getting really wet yesterday, when it started raining after I had been walking for only 5 minutes!) After the walk, I will usually have a sandwich for lunch. It will consist of two slices of whole grain bread, one serving of shaved turkey (sometimes ham or chicken, but I prefer turkey or chicken.), sliced tomato, a whole sliced avocado, and low-fat mayonnaise.
Sometimes for lunch I will also bring a beans dish in place of the sandwich. I use beans of all kinds -- and I use the dried kind that I prepare the night before. That way I don't have to worry about any additives. (See my recipe web site.) I will usually put either broccoli, peas, or corn in these dishes. When I do these dishes I don't have to add any thing else for the meal. This is plenty filling, and has something from all the food groups.
For dinner I will usually prepare either a serving of chicken, or a serving of salmon. This I will bake in the oven with either various spices, or sometimes just a little bit of butter with Splenda brown sugar baked in. I will also have a slice of whole grain bread, and a large side dish of veggies. These will vary -- broccoli, carrots, peas, corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc. . .
I will usually try to keep my soda intake down to 2 to 3 cans of Diet Dr. Pepper a day. And I try to make sure that every meal has something -- at least one serving out of every food group. I watch the portions, and make sure they are within prescribed proportions.
I have also found that I allow myself one free day -- which is Sundays, with family dinner. On these days, I have certain rules that I insist I follow. I never get up from the table feeling excessively full. I also have to make sure that there is something from every food group represented on my plate. That way, I don't feel like I have gone off the deep end. But I do allow myself dessert on this one free day.
For dessert alternatives during the week, when I am craving something sweet, I have found that I do well with the fat free chocolate pudding. I also use fat free ice cream for this trick. But I am very careful of when I allow myself to eat these, and the proportions that I eat them in.
As for my upper body exercises -- I haven't added anything of this sort into my program yet. I guess, I am not really sure where to start with this one. Hopefully this covers all the questions I was to answer. As you can see, I am not starving myself. I always feel satisfied food wise, and I never feel like I am depriving myself. Overall, I have found that this has been working. So let me know if anyone feels that anything needs to be adjusted. Basically I have decided not to diet, but rather to change my lifestyle, and my eating habits. This approach works for me, and it makes me feel like this is something that I can maintain.
Thank you for all of you, and all of your support. Talk to you all soon!
Posted by Lisa at 3:40 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
New Places To Walk
I finally feel like I have crossed over into the getting serious category. I am usually walking twice a day now, once in the morning, and once at lunch. I am finding that I am feeling so much better. I am thinking clearer, and I find that my afternoon walks have really helped to reduce my stress level at work, and help me get through the afternoon, without that afternoon drag. My knee pain is pretty well gone, except for when I am getting up from a really low seat, or the floor. And my energy level is increasing!
I have been struggling with getting bored with always seeing the same old stuff when I walk, and it was starting to frustrate me, however. So I started doing some investigating. And thanks to a great website I found, Utah Walks, I came across some fun new places to explore! This is a great website for promoting a healthy Utah! It provides a calendar where you can track the miles that you walk, and it will also graph your weight change as you progress! They have an entire section of maps as well that have great ideas for new, and different places to walk! It is really a great site to look into.
So for today's walk I used one of the Golden Medal Mile courses. These are tracks that were set up for the 2002 Olympics, as part of the get healthy Utah program. And I am able to track all my new walking in the website's Walk Tracker that tracks how far you walk each day. The track I used today was the Jordan River Parkway. It is a great little walking course because it is off the beaten path. There isn't a lot of traffic, and it runs parallel to the Jordan River. It is exactly one mile, so it is easy to know how far you have gone, and they have provided mile markers along the way. I know this track has been extended significantly. But it is a wonderful, paved course, with the sound of the running water, and the wildlife.
This has given me a whole new incentive for trying to locate new places for walking. I am excited about what I have found, and I am looking forward to trying out new places, and seeing new sights!
Posted by Lisa at 1:29 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
My Body is Finally Adapting
My body is finally starting to play nice. And things are definitely improving. I was in to the doctor's office yesterday, mainly because of this stupid cough. And all that aside, things were looking real good on the diet side.
My blood pressure is coming down (116/80), and my sleep is finally improving. I also find that my energy level is starting to go up during the day, and I am not in nearly as much pain. My knees are feeling much better, and the pain in them has become much less. I am even starting to be able to tolerate stairs much better (not that I ever think I will be running flights of stairs again for my exercise -- or any thing.) But I find that my muscle tone is getting better, and my knees are moving easier. I also find that I am just generally feeling better.
The doctor thinks things are looking real good, aside from the stupid cough that the antibiotics will take care of. So overall, the improvements are finally starting to kick in. I feel much better about how things are going. It is really a good feeling to be able to go outside and go for a short walk, and actually enjoy it now.
Also, the doctor encouraged me to keep working. She said as long as the cough was not inhibitory, and I didn't have a fever -- there was no reason to stop the exercise. But I have to be cautious on the days that my body is really dragging, and I am having a hard time moving, as those are days that I need more sleep, and my body probably needs some healing.
Posted by Lisa at 11:17 AM 3 comments
Friday, May 29, 2009
Illness, and Successes!
It has been a couple of days, due to illness. It seems I managed to come down with the same thing the whole family has. Summer colds, compounded by allergies. But I am pleased to say that even through that I have managed to stay on target.
I have worked real hard to stay with my appropriate meals. And even though I don't eat as much because I have been asleep for the last couple of days -- I have been really careful when I do eat. I have managed to get some walking in, but I have had to be careful -- due to the fatigue. This illness has left me really tired all the time.
However, the great news is, I am happy to report that I am down 6 pounds! So I am feeling really good about that! Nothing feels better than seeing that all the hard work is actually having results! Hang in there everyone! You can make it!
Posted by Lisa at 9:05 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
A Tough Morning
I'm having a really hard day today. I just did not want to get out of bed this morning. And walking was just something that my body was NOT interested in. I made myself go out and walk for at least 15 minutes. But that was about all that I could talk by muscles into doing this morning. And then all I wanted to do was go back to bed. My body is having a really anti-healthy attitude day -- and I am refusing to give in.
Posted by Lisa at 8:27 AM 2 comments
Monday, May 25, 2009
Relections, and Congratulations!
First off, I need to give a great big congratulations to Kris, my sister - in - law, who informed me last night that she has lost 2 pounds! Way to go Kris -- keep up the hard work. It is always great to see people succeeding in making the changes in their lives that they want to make. Keep going, and I know you will make it.

Posted by Lisa at 8:13 AM 1 comments
Sunday, May 24, 2009
A Good Weekend
Usually, I have a lot of trouble with the weekends. My life isn't quite as structured -- and I am not as diligent with my eating times as I should be. I also struggle with the exercise, because I tend to get more lazy on the weekends. But this weekend has actually been pretty good. I have come across some great ideas to share that I have found to be helpful.
Posted by Lisa at 10:12 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 22, 2009
Sleep Disruption
My sleep patterns have frequently been an issue in my life. The most minute change can really disrupt my sleep on a fairly regular basis. I am noticing that this is also the case with this weight loss program. I have been an insomniac for years. And I am sure there are any number of reasons that can be tied to this problem. But, I have noticed that my sleep is less restful -- when I go to bed and something isn't quite right. I am usually pretty set in a pattern to make sure that I can sleep at night. But with this new weight loss, I seem to struggle with that pattern. Some nights I find that I need a snack before going to bed -- or I am up in the middle of the night -- hungry. Other nights I am just not interested at all.
I have never been one for eating in the middle of the night. When I am awake, I will more often than not grab a book and start reading. But I find -- like today -- that when I have had a bad night, it makes getting through that exercise the next day like torture. And I also find that following a night of disrupted sleep, I will have several days of exhaustion, where every little movement is a major effort. It just seems to take me longer to recover from a bad nights sleep since I have started this diet. I am not sure if that is because generally my body is feeling better while I eat the right foods, and get more exercise -- so I notice the fatigue more when it is present, or if it is something else.
I have done some looking into this, and there is some studies out there that lack of sleep can lead to weight gain. Two of the articles I found are located at
But I don't know how much validity to put on them, since they are not commonly mentioned in direct relation to weight loss.
I do know that for me, the fatigue can be quite debilitating. It is frustrating to try and push through it. And there is nothing worse than a bad night!
Posted by Lisa at 10:11 AM 1 comments
Thursday, May 21, 2009
So -- if you are anything like I am, exercise has been one of those activities that you maintain an on again, off again relationship with. Your body tells you it is one of those masochistic activities that are not very appealing -- and your brain isn't much help, since all it ever maintains is questions. How much? What qualifies? How long? What type? Do I have to?
Sound familiar?
I come from a family in which my mother loves a good walk. If she can get outside and walk -- she will just go. Time doesn't matter, location doesn't matter, destination doesn't matter. In fact there have been times she has had to call someone to come an get her because she ended up walking farther than she anticipated. One brother is passionate about any form of activity, and loves to get together with friends and play a rousing game of Frisbee, volleyball, basketball, hockey -- and the list goes on. And my other brother loves his martial arts. He earned his black belt, and has now moved into biking, walking, jogging -- and anything that keeps him moving.
When we get together as a family, I look around and wonder where on earth did I come from, and how did I end up in this family? I have only ever tolerated exercise at best, and given the choice -- I would gladly take a quiet corner with a book, over physical exertion any day. So when I started looking at getting educated in this new life style, I had to do some serious looking -- because I had endless questions. I knew my body was going to fight this new system, by inventing, and magnifying every ache and pain it could possibly find. (And it is doing so) But I also realized that I didn't even know the basics of exercise. So here is a great website that gave me exactly that -- just the basics, in simple to understand -- and even intelligent form.
What I like about this is it not only breaks down the exercise levels, but how much of each need to be achieved for each week. This particular approach is actually doable -- even to my out of shape body! It is also nice, because it helped me to realize that everything qualifies. It can be done in 10 minute increments, and then spaced out throughout the day. Even as out of shape as I am, I could manage 10 minutes -- and I have been able to work up to 30 minutes at a time fairly quickly.
I even have a knee that gives me a lot of problems with pain, due to a previous injury, and then compounding the problem with excessive amounts of weight. When I sit still for very long, the knee becomes stiff, and very painful. This gave me a lot of concern -- and yes, I even used it as a great excuse that this might not be a good thing. (I think that was my body's whole idea). But I have found that when I start my walk, I do the first few minutes at an easy pace for a warm up -- and suddenly the pain is gone. Oh, yeah -- everything else in my body complains. And it is a lot easier to stay in bed some mornings. But my knee doesn't give me any problems, if I do those first few minutes of a warm up pace. Not only that, but it buys me several hours without pain, before it stiffens up from inactivity again. Granted, I avoid stairs, and I am very careful to remain on level walking ground for now. But this website makes it clear that exercise is exercise, and it all qualifies.
Also, I have learned that location is important for several reasons. Some people love to go to the gym, for a good intensive -- all in one work out. They have the cardio, on the treadmills, stationary bikes, areobics classes, and more, as well as the weight training available, and they can do it all in one stop. I have never been comfortable in gyms, however. I walk in the door, and suddenly feel very self-conscious. Too close a confined space -- where everyone can see what everyone else is doing. But for some people, this is a great option. You just have to be sure to consider the financial obligations -- and your committment level -- to justify using the gym.
I prefer being outside. The fresh air, the increased activity, and the beauty of being able to see that I am going somewhere -- even if it is just a trip around the cemetery, or park is a great help. (Yes the cemetery. Not only is it a quiet place to walk, and meditate, but it is never crowded, but there isn't the concern about cars, other exercisers, and the bustle of the whole world raging around you.) This helps me immensely to clear my mind, and enjoy the world, at a much slower pace.
Since I have been exercising, I have noticed that while I am almost never thrilled to be out there and doing it -- when I am done, I have a great rush of well being. I come back feeling like I have actually accomplished something. I think clearer, and I am even happier for the remainder of the day. I have even started adding in a second 30 minute walk in the afternoon -- because it helps me get through the day -- I am happier and more focused. And for the actual exercise time -- I have found it is easier to walk with someone, so you can talk along the way -- or have something good to listen to on an mp3 player. These are just a few options that work for me. But I am coming to realize that there is something out there for everyone. The trick is just to keep looking, until you find SOMETHING. Something is always better than nothing.
Posted by Lisa at 11:47 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Daily Update -- and Other Ideas
I have begun the information gathering process. I have come to realize that a life change, means a mental change, as well as a physical one. And for me that means understanding what I am trying to do, and not just randomly changing things and hoping that I stumble on the great answer to all problems. I know a lot of people feel that positive reinforcement, and that constant positive thinking approach to things is new age medicine. But there is a great deal to be learned from understanding what the battle is that you are truly fighting. Since this blog is serving the purpose of not just being my written record of starting that battle, and engaging the problem head on -- but I would hope that it will serve as an inspiration for others to take on the same challenge.
Posted by Lisa at 8:02 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Walking, Walking, and More Walking
I am starting to settle into more of a rhythm with this process. My body is VERY good at reminding me when it is time to eat -- so that is working pretty well. I make sure to keep apples, bananas, and other fruits at my desk -- which has actually been quite popular with most of the office as well. I also make sure I have string cheese. I need to explore some kind of "snack mix" that I can make that will be healthy, but will still be easy to keep around. The idea I have learned is to not have all the wrong kinds of food available -- but also to make sure I have the right kinds of food available, and convenient when they are needed. I will need to explore some good -- portable snack foods that I can keep around the desk -- and then I don't notice the missing candy, and junk food really.

Posted by Lisa at 7:49 AM 2 comments
Monday, May 18, 2009
A Pretty Good Weekend
Overall, it has been a pretty good weekend. I did a little splurging on Sunday -- but I went into this knowing that Sunday's were going to have to be my allowance day. And even with my splurging, I managed to stay away from that to die for chocolate cake that Kim and Gordon brought over! (That had to be the greatest accomplishment of my week!)
Posted by Lisa at 8:06 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 15, 2009
Sleep -- An Essential!
I am feeling so much better today! I have relearned a lesson that I have known all my life -- but tend to forget on a fairly regular basis. Sleep is an essential. So after a good nights sleep -- I am back up, and on top of things.
Posted by Lisa at 1:22 PM 1 comments
Thursday, May 14, 2009
My First Really Bad Day
I have officially hit my first really bad day. I am sure that a lot of it has to do with the fact that I didn't get any sleep last night. Both of my arms hurt so bad from all the needles the doctor was sticking in me yesterday; so every time I moved, the pain would wake me up. This morning the last thing that I wanted to do was move! Everything hurt -- and I had no energy. I only got about 15 minutes in for my walk -- and then just wanted to go back to sleep for the rest of the day.
Posted by Lisa at 11:46 AM 5 comments
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Weight Loss Goals
I went to the doctor this morning -- after a morning walk of course -- and I have received a good bill of health for starting this new program. (Aside from turning me into a human pin cushion, because they can never seem to find my veins for a blood draw.) I expressed my desires, and what I was wanting to accomplish in all of this. And she wanted to be sure that I was doing a safe approach, without getting into dangerous fads -- and unrealistic goals. (Bob will be thrilled to learn that of everything she had to talk about, yours was by far the most strongly approved of. But I'm sure that is no surprise to you.)
Posted by Lisa at 1:51 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Exercise Times
I figured out last night that evening exercise is not one of the better options for me. I went out to the park, across the street, after work -- and I felt like it almost killed me! Every step was an excruciating effort -- and I was only able to do about 20 minutes before I had to sit down. I find that at the end of the day I am just so tired that I have nothing left. Particularly if I have a really rough day at work, like yesterday was. So I decided to change it up, and see if doing exercise in the morning would be any better. I have always been a morning person anyway -- and since I feel better, and more alert in the morning it seemed like a better option. And since my sleep is still off, and I am up around 5:00 anyway -- I might as well get my exercise in early. Then I don't have to worry about talking myself into doing it later.
Posted by Lisa at 7:40 AM 5 comments
Monday, May 11, 2009
Weekend Endeavors
OK -- so I did pretty well this weekend. I have figured out that I like tomato, and avocado sandwiches on oatmeal-wheat bread, with a little bit of mayo, and blue cheese. I didn't do as well on Sunday night -- but I didn't do too bad either. I managed to avoid all of the appetizers, and I made sure that I didn't go home feeling so full that I couldn't even walk comfortably.
Posted by Lisa at 8:04 AM 2 comments
Friday, May 8, 2009
My Beginning
Report on day two: First off thank you to everyone that has been willing to offer your support in this event. As a preliminary, let me say, my idea is not to kill myself, literally. I am well aware that right now, my body has limitations. And I always keep those limitations in mind.
So with that said -- I am happy to report that I did get in my 30 minute walk today, during my lunch hour. I walked over to the library, and back to the courthouse, since I had to pick up a book anyway. That has left me a little sore tonight -- but not a bad kind of sore. I am achy in my hip joints, and my muscles are stiff. But I actually feel like I accomplished something -- and I am feeling pretty good about myself.
As for my diet for the day -- for my lunch I had a tomato, cheese, and avocado sandwich, on my oatmeal wheat bread. I can't say I was willing to sacrifice my mayonnaise yet -- but this is a much healthier lunch that I have had in a very long time. And it certainly beats the fast food I am in the habit of eating. (Both the frozen, and restaurant kinds). As for dinner, I had a single dish of corn, and two slices of my oatmeal wheat bread again. As usual, I wasn't willing to forgo the butter. But again -- considering me, it is a definite improvement.
As for the downs in my diet for the day -- well I had a blueberry muffin for breakfast. (It was doughnut Friday at work,) and a modified root beer float. Modified how you may ask? Well in place of the root beer, I used my diet Cherry Dr. Pepper. No, I don't claim that using the diet drink, in place of the root beer was a healthier solution. It just sounded better. And I won't even get into the water yet. One step at a time.
Now -- in response to Bob's offer. I would love any and all the assistance you are willing to provide. Right now I am doing pretty good with my walking. I can pace myself -- and listen to my books on my I-Pod at the same time. (You didn't actually think I would take reading out of my schedule did you? :)) I have read through that which you submitted to the Armstrong Losers, and I like what I have seen.
My biggest areas of weakness are going to be the food planning. I have never been very good at that -- and I don't like to be burdened by a lot of food preparation. The good news is -- I don't like eating out because it costs money. The other area that I am going to be able to use some work is the strength training. And of course coming up with solutions as winter starts to get closer. Also -- I have determined I am a carb junkie. The good news is my bread is home made -- and is usually wheat flour based. But if I have to take that out of my diet, I will probably go insane inside of a week. I also like to experiment with my recipes -- so I have found that I can add whole grains of varying kinds. So I don't feel as bad about my carb intake from that respect.
Now for those of you who love to shake your head at my passion for reading. Yes -- as I began this process the first thing I did was turn to a book. (Well sort of a book.) It was a digest version of "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Short Workouts" Yes I know. But if I don't approach this from a cerebral perspective, as well as a physical perspective -- this will never work for me. I need to understand what I am doing, and I need to learn as I progress. So -- what did this digest teach me? Well --
First: In every get fit program, there is a mental as well as a physical aspect. In the beginning, when it is more difficult to keep going because it is uncomfortable, it is up to the mind to provide the motivation, until the body catches up. This mental motivation provides not only the inspiration to keep going on -- but the intelligence, and understanding of what you can, and cannot do -- until your body learns to send its own, appropriate signals.
Second: I found a great quote in this little pamphlet. "Your body is a masterpiece, intricate in function, unique in its mix of attributes and abilities. Give praise -- you are wonderfully, singularly made! So although its fine to aspire to look like an Olympic swimmer, don't despair if you fall short of your expectation. Remember that the athelets who make it to the Olympics are blessed with great genes and an incredible work ethic." What dose this translate to for me? Well -- It takes me back to my primary goals. I am looking to be healthy again, and to feel better. Not to be a super model, or a great world athelete.
So this is my beginning. Except to say -- thank you to all of you for your support. As always, I couldn't make it without all of you.
Posted by Lisa at 7:22 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 7, 2009
A New Dedication
Ok, so for those of you who are use to seeing all of my book reviews on this blog site -- that location has now changed. You can find all of my book reviews -- and only my book reviews at
So -- Day One
I did manage to do 25 minutes of walking in Murray park, after work today. Not my favorite activity -- but I have my book on my I-Pod -- so I can live with this.
Posted by Lisa at 4:19 PM 3 comments